A Breakthrough in Managing Dry Eyes?
Tuesday, September 8 2015 | 00 h 00 min | Vision Science
Twenty five percent of patients report dry eye related symptoms, making dry eye one of the most common reasons for a patient to visit their ECP. The September special issue of Optometry and Vision Science focused on the latest expert research updates on dry eyes is divided into several key areas: risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and management, and clinical perspectives.
One challenge of treating patients with dry eye, says Dr. Meng C. Lin, of UC Berkeley, is that different ocular conditions can lead to similar symptoms. Many of the risk factors for dry eye disease are looked at in depth, including climate, anti-glaucoma medication, isotretinoin, incomplete blinking following LASIK surgery, and meibomian gland dysfunction.
In addition, new methods for managing dry eye symptoms are proposed, including the use of computer software to induce prompted blinking.
Further information: http://journals.lww.com/optvissci/Fulltext/2015/09000/OVS_Announces.1.aspx