Warby Parker: 10 Million Pairs of Glasses Distributed Through Buy a Pair, Give a Pair Program
Friday, March 4 2022 | 09 h 57 min | News, Press Release
Warby Parker announced that more than 10 million pairs of glasses have been distributed through its Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program. Launched at the Company’s founding as part of its commitment to increasing access to vision care for people around the world, the Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program is simple: for every pair of Warby Parker glasses purchased, a pair of glasses is distributed to someone in need.
“We founded Warby Parker with a mission to inspire and impact the world with vision, purpose, and style. It’s hard to put into words how we feel knowing that now more than 10 million people globally have received a life-changing pair of glasses through our Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program,” said Co-Founder and Co-CEO Dave Gilboa. “Alleviating the problem of impaired vision has long been at the heart of what we do.”
How The Buy A Pair, Give A Pair Program Works
To date, Warby Parker’s Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program has supported people in more than 50 countries around the world. Through its partnerships, the Company prioritizes communities with the most significant need around the world, many of which are extremely limited in their access to vision care. The two distribution models Warby Parker employs are:
Social Entrepreneurship: The non-profit social enterprise VisionSpring has been Warby Parker’s primary partner in this work, accelerating the uptake of eyeglasses by raising awareness about vision impairment, conducting vision screenings, and selling highly subsidized eyeglasses in low-income communities.
Direct Donation: Via cross-sector partnerships, directly giving vision care and glasses to those in need. For example, in 2015, Warby Parker created Pupils Project, a program that works with local organizations and government agencies to give free vision screenings, eye exams, and glasses to schoolchildren. Warby Parker plans to distribute tens of thousands of pairs of glasses during the 2021-2022 school year alone.
Click HERE for the full press release.