Turmoil at the head of Luxottica

  A few weeks after having announced major changes to its governance structure, Luxottica Group accepted the resignation of two...

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Optometric Services Inc (OSI) and Prairie Ophthalmics sign agreement

The spokespersons for Prairie Ophthalmics (1988) Inc and Optometric Services Inc (OSI) announced that they have signed a strategic alliance...

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Today is the World Sight Day Challenge

Today, Thursday, October 9, the industry is invited to support Optometry Giving Sight and its annual fundraising campaign known as the World Sight...

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Vitamin E and selenium disappoint

 Taking daily supplements of selenium or vitamin E appears to have no significant effect on the development of age-related cataracts in men,...

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Dark chocolate and red wine to fight glaucoma

 A Spanish study identified certain foods that could ease the symptoms of glaucoma However, stronger remedies are needed to completely cure the...

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