Wearable technology in the spotlight at Vision Expo West

 On September 19, 2014, Google Glass and other new wearable technology devices will be the theme in a series of continuing education sessions at...

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Transfer of power at Regard Action

 Optician Nicolas Tountas is the new CEO of the Quebec Cooperative Regard Action and its subsidiaries With more than 15 years of experience in the...

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Good for blood pressure…Not so good for eyes

 High blood pressure drugs may increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration Researchers from the University of Wisconsin conducted a...

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New Look acquires Greiche & Scaff

In a major transaction for the Canadian optical industry, New Look Eyewear has acquired Greiche & Scaff for $1775 M The assets and business to...

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Silmo is making a number of changes

 The famous optics and eyewear trade fair in Paris has made it its mission to increase the trade-related capacity of businesses in the industry via...

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