Essilor buys

Essilor has entered into an agreement with Coastal Contacts Inc to acquire Coastalcom, a transaction worth about $430 million The purchase price of...

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Slow the progression of AMD: go to the gym!

 Moderate aerobic exercise helps to preserve the structure and function of damaged retinal nerve cells, and could therefore slow the progression of...

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Postmenopausal hormones may reduce glaucoma risk

 Using postmenopausal hormones (PMH) containing estrogen may reduce the risk for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), according to a study published...

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France looking to Canada’s system as a reference

A recent report from the French Senate claims that it’s time to clarify the role of optometrists and orthoptists in order to improve access to eye...

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Google Glass with prescription

 In the United States, Google has partnered with VSP Global for the creation of a first prescription eyeglass collection for Google Glass For now,...

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