Eye strain: a sign of our times

 The 2013 edition of the VisionWatch Survey, carried out for The Vision Council, confirms the role that electronic devices play in eye strain Among...

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Anisometropia is frequent in older adults

 A study, the results of which were published in Optometry and Vision Science, shows that anisometropia is more prevalent in older adults The...

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The glaucoma pill?

 Oral contraceptives may be a risk factor for glaucoma, according to a study presented at the recent annual meeting of the American Academy of...

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Artificial Street for blind people

 In France, the Institut de la Vision inaugurated the Artificial Street on November 26, 2013 This is a research and development environment that...

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Cataract surgery saves…dollars

 Researchers from the Center for Value-Based Medicine® estimate that cataract surgeries performed in the United States in one year will save $1234...

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