First step toward a treatment for macular dystrophy

 Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania took their first step toward a gene therapy that could prevent vision loss or even restore vision...

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VOSH/International introduces two new programs

 The charitable organization working to eliminate preventable blindness by the year 2020, VOSH/International, recently unveiled two new programs to...

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A simple test to identify retinitis pigmentosa

 A team of American researchers has devised a way to identify retinitis pigmentosa using a simple blood or urine test Ophthalmologists Rong Wen and...

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Discovery of a gene linked to AMD

 The loss of an anti-aging gene might contribute to the development of age-related macular degeneration After studying mice, researchers at...

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Marcolin acquires Viva International

 Marcolin and its European financial partner PAI Partners, together with HVHC, the holding company currently holding Viva International, just...

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