Scientists Develop a “Contact Lens” Patch To Treat Eye Diseases

Researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have developed a new device for delivering drugs to the eye for treating diseases such...

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New Glaucoma Drainage Device Shakes Contamination Loose

Researchers at Purdue University have developed a new smart drainage device that can relieve pressure buildup in the eyes of glaucoma...

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Colour Changing Contact Lens Monitors Drug Levels in Eye

Contact lenses that can deliver drugs to the eye, and also provide a real-time indication of the rates of drug delivery have been developed by...

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Thinning Retina May Be Early Sign of Parkinson’s

A new study published in Neurology shows that thinning of the nerve cells in the back of the eye is linked to the loss of dopamine producers in the...

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Key Tear Film Lipid Identified

In a finding that could signal improved treatments for dry eye, Australian identified, and then synthesized in the lab, an important component of the...

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