Can Google Predict Cardiovascular Risk from an Eye Scan?

Verily Life Sciences, formerly Google Life Sciences, say they have developed a method to assess cardiovascular risk using machine learning Details...

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How Eyes Help With Memory

New research from the University of Toronto is revealing information about the role that your eyes play in recalling memories The U of T-affiliated...

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Gene Therapy for Vision Loss Approved by FDA

A gene therapy treatment for the disease known as “biallelic RPE65 mutation-associated retinal dystrophy,” a rare condition with onset in...

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Engineer at Simon Fraser Develops High Resolution Retinal Scanner

Marko Sarunic, Engineering Science Professor at Simon Fraser University, has developed a high resolution retinal scanner that can help in diagnosing...

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Baby Boomers Less at Risk for AMD as they Age than Previous Generations

A large population-based study has found that the 5-year risk of age-related macular degeneration is declining by birth cohort The study, published...

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