IRIS Aligns with Canada’s Top Influencers – The New IRIS Ambassadors

Vancouver (September 25, 2015) — IRIS The Visual Group is excited to announce the launch of their new Ambassador Program with some of the...

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The Ideal Length for Lashes

Eyelashes are the first line of defense for the eyes, shielding them from windborne particles like dust or pollen Researchers at the Georgia...

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A Google contact lens that monitors glucose levels

 Google is developing a “smart” contact lens, able to measure the glucose levels in the tears of patients with diabetes The prototype uses a...

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First step toward a treatment for macular dystrophy

 Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania took their first step toward a gene therapy that could prevent vision loss or even restore vision...

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Closer to a genetic treatment for retinitis pigmentosa

 The identification of a gene mutation in dogs with progressive retinal atrophy could lead to new therapies for blindness in humans This form of...

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