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Nikon Lenswear’s Consumer Campaign Demonstrates How a Detail Can Inspire

Nikon Optical Canada extends its national consumer campaign that earned over 3 million impressions last year From its global debut under the...

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See Every Detail with AS Viewfit Single Vision Lenses from Nikon

Today, Nikon Optical Canada announces the launch of AS Viewfit lenses Nowadays, the lifestyles of patients demand a more dynamic vision and a higher...

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Nikon Launches Transitions® XTRActive® New Generation XTRActive Polarized™ Lenses

Nikon Optical Canada announces that Transitions XTRActive New Generation and Transitions XTRActive Polarized lenses are now available...

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Nikon Lenswear’s New National Consumer Campaign Demonstrates How a Detail Can Inspire

Nikon Optical Canada launches a new national consumer campaign From its global debut under the theme “Everything Starts with a Detail”, this...

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Nikon Launches Transitions® XTRActive® New Generation & XTRActive Polarized™ Lenses

Nikon Optical Canada announces that Transitions XTRActive New Generation and Transitions XTRActive Polarized lenses will be available as of July...

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